Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy Geek Pride Day!!!


And Happy International Geek Pride Day! Thats right, Geeks need a day to call their own so May 25th has been set aside. Why May 25th you ask? Well...

1) Its also Towel Day! Beginning May 25, 2001, Douglas Adams fans started the Towel Day tradition as a way of commemorating the infamous author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

2) May 25, as it is The Glorious 25th of May from Pratchett’s novel, Discworld.

3) May 25 is also the anniversary of the first Star Wars movie.

4) This is the day geeks will one day take over the world

Peace till next time ~ MoCo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i did not even know that geek day existed. Why are people making " days" for almost everything to celebrate? I think it underestimates the importance of other things that do deserve to be remembered on certain days. And then people have to end up writing so much on their calendar. Have you started taking/ learning arabic yet? I'm out of school and starting to forget some vocab. T_T