Monday, September 22, 2008

O Blessed Month...Parting is such sweet sorrow

Peace be upon you,

Welcome O Blessed Month of Ramadan

*sigh* if only...

The 21 first of Ramadan was just completed and now we begin the 22 night of Ramadan. *Sigh* only 8 more nights left till Light of the Blessed Month fades from our lives. So many sins so few night to repent,...

and the saddest thing is that we might not see another Ramadan again...

When someone beloved to us leaves for a trip we see them off at the airport, wish them luck. We feel a sadness in our hearts, and a burden in our minds because We will miss them dearly and worry if they will reach their destination safely.

And the saddest thing is that we might not see another Ramadan again...

This is the end of Ramadan. We ought to see it off in the masjid. We should thank Allah for sending it to us. We should shed some tears as the blessings fade away into the shadows of darkness, and we should worry about the good deeds we will be forgetting to do. Lastly we should pray that we will have the opportunity to be reunited with this blessed month again.

And the saddest thing is that we might not see another Ramadan again...

~ Peace till next time… MoCo

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