Peace be upon you all,
All praise be to Allah, The Merciful, The Wise. After nearly 30 years of oppression, subjugation, and tyranny Hosni Mubarak, the dog was removed by The People of Egypt on Friday Feb. 11th 2011. There was massive celebrations almost immediately which continued into Saturday.
The work is not done though. Mubarak has left to the Sinai resort town of Sharm Al-Sheikh, and the Egyptian Military has taken over. It has pretty much assumed the Office of the President and the Ministers are taking direct orders from the Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF).
Al Jazeera English
reports that the SCAF wants to have elections for a civilian government in 6 months and until then it will be running a transition government. One thing which has particularly alarmed me is that the Supreme Council of Armed Forces still hasn't repealed the 30 year old Emergency Law which gave Hosni Mubarak absolute control. Why on earth haven't they repealed that? What could they be waiting for?
Wael Ghonim, one of the protest organizers, announced that he trusted the Egyptian Amry in a twitter post on Friday Feb. 11th 2011.
The military statement is great. I trust our Egyptian Army #Jan25 Friday, February 11, 2011 12:31:02 PM via Twitter for BlackBerry®
and later on Sunday Feb 13 he announced via twitter that he was...
In a meeting with two generals from the higher council of the armed forces. Really great insights that I will share later. #Jan25 about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Now I dont particularly trust the Egyptian Army but major players in the protests seem to trust them. So, I guess I'll just have to wait and see what God decrees. Also, pray for Egypt 2.0
Peace till next time ~ MoCo