Peace be upon you,
Last time I published a post about the IDF and their terrorism upon Palestinians. These stories are often so harsh and sad that we loose hope and begin to doubt our ability to contribute towards a solution.
Yet Allah (swt) tells us that ...
So indeed with hardship is ease.
Indeed with hardship is ease. [Inshirah 94:5]
Indeed there are many people around the world who are working hard to ease the oppression being wagged against our brothers in Palestine. Here is a little bit about a organization that I really love...
Islamic Relief---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gaza Humanitarian Crisis: FAQ
1. Does Islamic Relief have an office in Gaza?
Islamic Relief has been working in Palestine since 1994, and opened its Gaza office in 1998. Since then, Islamic Relief has been working to help the Palestinians with food aid, medical relief, small business loans, and orphan sponsorships.
Islamic Relief has established offices and staff in both the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Islamic Relief has also established educational enhancement centers, care programs for psychologically traumatized children and a school for the deaf.
2. Is Islamic Relief allowed to work in Gaza amid the crisis?
Islamic Relief responded to the Gaza crisis as soon as six hours after the current crisis began by providing essential medical aid to the hospitals and ever since has been actively involved with easing the suffering by providing medical, food and other aid.
There has been no restrictions or curfews placed on the humanitarian activities of Islamic Relief in Gaza.
3. How is Islamic Relief able to distribute aid within Gaza when it’s reported to be too dangerous to provide aid?
The situation in Gaza is extremely volatile and dangerous but Islamic Relief’s staff members are risking their lives to ensure aid reaches the victims and especially to the hospitals. Whenever a safe time and window of opportunity is available for distribution, Islamic Relief staff try to take advantage of it and provide aid.
The Israeli government has accepted a “humanitarian corridor” idea proposed by the United Nations Security Council mandating that Israel suspend all attacks for three hours daily to allow humanitarian aid supplies to be distributed to people in Gaza. This, of course, will help Islamic Relief staff reach beneficiaries.
In times when even going out of the office is not possible, Islamic Relief’s staff members spend that time planning future distributions and coordinating supply purchasing and logistics.
4. If the borders are sealed, how does Islamic Relief get aid into Gaza?
With a strong presence on the ground in Gaza, Islamic Relief has been able to distribute aid since the start of the crisis and continues to do so today. A multi-million dollar emergency campaign has been launched by Islamic Relief for immediate assistance to the civilians in Gaza.
Islamic Relief works to bring aid into Gaza and help the people through the following means:
1. The United Nation’s World Health Organization (WHO) has been designated by the Israeli government to coordinate aid shipments into Gaza on behalf of all aid agencies. Working closely with WHO, Islamic Relief is able to purchase aid commodities and have it brought into Gaza;
2. Islamic Relief has a fully operational office in the West Bank as well. That office is used for funds transfer and purchase of supplies which in coordination with the UN are then brought into Gaza whenever the convoys are allowed into the area.
3. Bring aid though the Rafah border crossing with Egypt whenever available. (3 ambulances were brought in through this crossing on Wednesday, Jan. 7th, with 10 trucks of additional aid waiting to be let in);
4. Distributing aid and supplies from our warehouse in Gaza that was previously stored;
5. Purchase supplies in the local Gaza markets whenever available.
Though these means are not sufficient and sometimes all the options not available, Islamic Relief tries its best to look for any proper channel available to continue the important aid distributions.
5. Is Islamic Relief working with other aid agencies to provide aid to those in need in Gaza?
Yes, Islamic Relief works in close coordination with other well respected agencies such as the United Nations to ensure that aid and services reach the affected people. An example of this coordination with the UN is the renovation of the main al-Shifa hospital in Gaza before the current crisis.
6. Does Islamic Relief work with any armed groups to perform its humanitarian work?
NO. Islamic Relief is an apolitical, nonprofit, humanitarian organization with no affiliations to any political parties or other groups. The goal of Islamic Relief is to alleviate poverty and suffering of the world’s poorest people. Keeping that pledge in mind, Islamic Relief is committed to helping those in need through its objective of humanitarian assistance.
7. What kind of aid and services is Islamic Relief providing?
Islamic Relief, because of its presence on the ground in Gaza, responded as soon as 6 hours after the crisis began by providing essential medical aid to the local hospitals (worth $126,000). In the days that followed, five truckloads of medical supplies and four trucks of food for patients and their families were provided to the hospitals.
The Islamic Relief team in Gaza has made preparations to distribute additional food parcels to 30,000 individuals, 1,000 hygiene kits and medical equipment and disposables worth over $400,000.
In response to the humanitarian crisis of one year ago, Islamic Relief launched an emergency appeal to help provide food, health care, and shelter in the worst effected areas. In 2008, vital aid has been provided to relieve the immediate suffering of more than 500,000 people in Palestine including children, hospital patients, farmers, needy families and those affected by conflict.
8. How does Islamic Relief ensure my money will only help those suffering in Gaza?
Islamic Relief is legally bound to honor the wishes and requests of its donors. If the donor wishes for his/her donation to be spent for a certain appeal, Islamic Relief will make sure that his/her wish is upheld.
Also, Islamic Relief’s reputation as a trustworthy and efficient organization is known to governments, other organizations, and the public that have worked with us over the years. The Chicago Tribune has said: “Islamic Relief also benefits from a reputation of trustworthiness, said mainstream aid workers, as well as other Muslim ones. Islamic
Relief has helped victims of Hurricane Katrina and the Asian tsunami in addition to people in the Middle East.” (Chicago Tribune, Aug. 29, 2006)
Furthermore, Islamic Relief has been awarded a 4-star rating by Charity Navigator, a US charity evaluator, for the fifth consecutive year, ranking us amongst the top 3% of charities nationwide.
9. How can I donate to Islamic Relief to help the people of Gaza?
Donating to Islamic Relief can easily be done in three different ways:
1. Website:
2. Telephone: (888) 479-4968; (714) 676-1300
3. Mail: P.O Box: 5640, Buena Park, CA 90622
10. How can I learn more about Islamic Relief’s efforts in Gaza?
To learn more about Islamic Relief’s work in Gaza, please visit our website for updated information at or call us at (888) 479-4968 and we would be glad to assist in any way possible.
Thank you for your generous support in bringing relief to those in desperate need in Gaza.
~ Peace till next time...MoCo